Thanks to Sean at Popjocks and Nate Dog for calling our attention to a story as weird as it is deeply shocking. Who knew Jose Offerman was still in organized baseball? Even stranger, what were the odds of a violent attack taking place in an Atlantic League game and Carl Everett wasn’t involved?

From the Connecticut Post’s Rich Elliot :

The game between the Bridgeport Bluefish and Long Island Ducks was delayed in the top of the second inning Tuesday after Ducks shortstop and former major league All-Star Jose Offerman attacked Bluefish starting pitcher Matt Beech.Both Beech and Bluefish catcher John Nathans were injured by Offerman, who was struck by a pitch and rushed the mound, swinging the bat at Beech. Offerman was later arrested.

Offerman, a former Bluefish, homered on the first pitch of the game by Beech. An inning later, Offerman was hit in the area of his left calf by an 0-and-1 pitch. He immediately charged the mound, wielding his bat in his right hand. Beech, who had his arms outstretched in an attempt to defend himself, was struck on the fingertips of his pitching hand as both benches immediately emptied.

Nathans was in the middle of the sea of bodies coming to the aid of Beech. Offerman struck Nathans in the back of the head with his backswing.

Nathans left the game at the conclusion of the inning with a possible concussion. A member of the Bluefish front office said that Nathans was suffering through nausea in the dugout.

Members of the Bridgeport Police Department converged on the Ducks clubhouse once order was restored on the field. Offerman was ultimately arrested, while Beech and Nathans were taken to an area hospital to be examined.