(when Rumsfeld says he knew nothing about this, I’d really like to believe him)
Due to accounts of alleged hazing, the entire Northwestern women’s soccer team has been suspended indefinitely from all team activities, Athletic Director Mark Murphy said in a press release.
A college athletics watchdog Web site, www.badjocks.com, published several pictures Monday that identified alleged members of the women’s and men’s soccer teams involved in simulated sex acts, forced drinking and bondage with athletic tape.
The hazing, which is outlawed under university and athletic department policies, was allegedly an intiation ritual for the freshmen on the women’s soccer team and was a nightlong, premedidated activity, according to the Web site.
The women’s soccer team’s roster has been removed from www.nusports.com, and an athletic department press release said an investigation is currently underway.
Ahem. A few thoughts come to mind.
1) Where was Bad Jocks during the field hockey hazing?
2) The above website is gonna have one monster of a bandwidth bill this month.
3) It is nothing short of miraculous that this story has been making the rounds all day and the Human Whoopee Cushion has yet to take or receive credit for it.
Perhaps you could take credit for it and the ensuing bandwith bill could shut down your site for a month or so?
And oh how I had enjoyed the ‘tranquility’ (if you will) on this site of late..
funny thing is, Joel, I’m never actually provided with a “bandwith” bill. Our hosting company, thankfully, is run by someone other than an illiterate motherfucker who rushes to the defense of Our Man From Mattoon the first thing in the morning.
But it’s great to have you back. When you finally have something thoughtful to say, by all means, don’t be shy.
damn why wasnt i invited?
Always good to read about soccer and football.
Can I ask though – how did you get this picked up and into google news?
Very impressive, is it something that is just up to Google or you actively created?
Obviously this is a popular blog with great data so well done on your seo success..