Georgia A.D. Damon Evans was charged with driving under the influence late Wednesday, with a police report citing a pair of red panties clutched between the 40 year-old father of two’s legs. Though the drunk driving is damaging enough, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Mark Bradley considers Evans’ position untenable because, “every future mention he might make of red, as in Red & Black, will evoke the memory of June 30, 2010, and the image of red underwear belonging to a woman who was not his wife.”

Napoleon, who met his own Waterloo, once said that œpower is never ridiculous, but ridiculous is how the powerful Damon Evans is made to appear. œI don™t want to use who I am, he™s quoted as saying, and also that he didn™t œwant to use my influence. And also: œI am not trying to bribe you, but is there anything you can do without arresting me?™ 

And the man who taped a public service announcement imploring Sanford Stadium customers not to drink and drive had this rather different message for his arresting officer: œWe go through life and we all drink and jump in a car.

The woman in question, Courtney Fuhrmann, tells Officer Cabe she and Evans have been seeing one another œonly a week or so, but apparently she knew full well who he is. œJust to let you know, she™s quoted as saying, œ[the charge] will be erased because he™s the athletic director at UGA and he has that power.

Whatever power Evans wielded is about to go away. Because president Michael Adams cannot read these three damning pages and see anything but red. Red, as in a woman™s unworn undergarment. Red, as in the color of ongoing embarrassment.

If anyone from the Fredricks Of Hollywood catalog department is reading this, please take Mr. Bradley off your mailing list.