I don’t know whose analysis of The Mitchell Report has been less illuminating thus far, The Kruky Monster or Tim Kurkjian. Sir Kruk has opined the report’s findings are somewhat suspect because they rely on the testimony of guys looking to avoid lengthy jail sentences. Going by this logic, a healthy percentage of the guilty verdicts in criminal trials oughta be thrown out. That said, it’s pretty hard to believe Kirk Radomski was the only guy peddling PED’s in big league clubhouses. It took 20 months to compile the testimony of a lone batboy and one personal trainer?

Kurkjian insisted that Roger Clemens wouldn’t profess his innocence if he were in fact, guilty.

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty thrilled that George Mitchell isn’t employed as a district attorney, and even happier Tim Kurkjian isn’t a judge.