Much mirth was made of the former Outdoor Life Network acquiring rights to selected Arena Football League contests, and with good reason. OLN having already demonstrated production values somewhere between public access and SCTV for their first few weeks of their NHL telecasts, have now managed to make a minor league look, well, pretty minor.

When other satellite/cable outlets routinely offer taped content from other parts of the globe that look better than a live feed from Florida, there’s a serious problem. And while we all know that OLN has limited resources compared to say, a college radio station, what to make of the succession of sweating, would-be Sizzler greeters, grunting their way through the telecast? That human flesh appears to be several different shades of green or blue? Or the fact that OLN’s microphones seem to have been supplied by Radio Hut?

Austin — at 4-0, the only remaining unbeaten team in the AFL — are trailing 41-35 against Tampa at in the third quarter. The Storm’s Lawrence Samuels (above), the league’s no. 2 receiver and the the club’s all-time leader in receiving yards and tackles, has an INT and a TD catch so far today.