Boston’s 4-0 win over Tampa Bay Wednesday night (Curt Schilling, 6 IP, 7 K’) was doubly fortuitous for those at Fenway. For one thing, Jonathan Papelbon got a rare night off. And that meant no one in attendence had to listen to Drowning Pool’s “(When The) Bodies (Hit The Floor)”.

From the Boston Herald’s Sarah Rodman.

Red Sox hot rookie closer Papelbon (above) currently marches out to the mound at Fenway Park to the hard hitting beat of Drowning Pool™s 2001 hit œBodies, but says he™s open to suggestions for new theme music.

Drowning Pool drummer Mike Luce (above) says that Papelbon shouldn™t mess with success. œIf he™s having great stats with that song being played, if it were me there would be no way I™d want to change that song, the drummer says.

While the lyrics about bodies hitting the floor may seem violent, Luce says the tune is a œtip of the hat to the kids in the crowd who go wild in the mosh pit.

Luce admits he™s not a Sox fan. But, that doesn™t mean he™s not psyched about the Sox using his band™s song.

Luce hopes Papelbon won™t take the advice of Herald readers who offered up substitute theme songs by everyone from AC/DC to Lionel Richie.

œI™m looking out for him right here, Luce says. œIf the shoe were on the other foot I would go with what I know.

Though Papelbon has supposedly opted for the misleadingly named Keith Urban, it is a shame that DYS’ “Wolfpack” wasn’t considered.