Hockey superfan Al Jourgenson of Ministry (above) has repaid the Chicago Blackhawks for these many years of victory and joy by writing them a fight song.

As a marketing device (if not also creatively), he’s ten years behind Pantera, whose “Dallas Stars” is not only a lyrical masterpiece but a Stanley Cup-winner (and Cup-denter, though I have it on reliable authority that the famous party tale is mostly myth – the dent was made before Stanley got tossed into the pool, probably the night they won in Buffalo).

In other hockey news, the Washington Capitals, who could easily miss the playoffs by a single point, lost to Pittsburgh today due to a Nicklas Backstrom own-goal. And if you missed it, Tampa Bay forward Andre Roy was given a time-out by Lightning coach John Tortorella after Thursday’s game. Having been one-punched by the Flyers’ Riley Cote (he’ll always be a Memphis RiverKing to me) in their second tussle of the evening, Roy could not accept there wouldn’t be a third despite the 2-2 score:

It probably didn’t help that Philly’s scoreboard operator kept cueing up a replay of the TKO. Or perhaps Roy simply thought another go would help out “Rockin’ Riles” with fundraising on his MS charity night.