At the risk of making light of a very sad situation for Steve Phillips’ family, I think i speak for baseball fans across the country when upon learning of the former Mets GM’s suspension from ESPN, the first thing I thought of was, “why are the network’s interns and production assistants so resistant to the charms of Joe Morgan?” While you’re wondering if ESPN isn’t an acronym for “Extremely Serious Penis Needs”, the New York Post’s Jeane Macintosh and Dan Magan provide many sordid details.
ESPN analyst Steve Phillips had a fling with a 22-year-old production assistant, who, after being dumped, taunted his wife with “Fatal Attraction”-like phone calls and a letter that bragged about her sexcapades with Phillips while taking pot shots at their “loveless marriage,” The Post has learned.
The former Met general manager, whose tenure with the team was rocked by admissions of infidelity, confessed to his wife and local cops that he had slept with ESPN assistant Brooke Hundley several times this past summer before dumping her.
Hundley’s desperate actions included accidentally smashing her car into a stone column while speeding away from the Phillips’ home.
You can (and undoubtedly will) read the full piece if you want more dirt, and there’s plenty to sift thru, including Hundley allegedly harassing Phillips’ 16 year old son via Facebook and a very precise physical description of the Baseball Tonight analysist’s crotch that most assuredly falls under the category of more than anyone wanted to know. With any luck, we’ll be spared similar revelations someday concerning John Kruk. Until then, however, perhaps the only really funny portion of this story is The Post crediting “additional reporting” to one Phil Mushnick. Never let it be said Phil isn’t a team player.
A less tasteful writer might have made a silly, sordid joke about the relationship between Phillips’ own confidential and private measurements and his fervent hatred of any effort to concretize and quantify performance. Bravo.
You’re not being fair to Phillips, Gerard. When he heard the name “Hundley,” he assumed she’d be a catcher.
so phillips who will probably keep his job gets caught up in some shit with an ugly broad who talks about his dick but harold reynolds hugs a bitch a gets fired. gotta love espn.
“Extremely Serious Penis Needs” is, by itself, better than anything I’ve written on this site. And it would’ve taken me 1400 words to come close. Awesome.
no doubt phillips “dumped” her because she lacked leadership
Brooke Hundley is probably not a Veteran Who Knows How to Win.
ha: of course reynolds got fired. let the record show that harold reynolds not only hugged “a bitch” but had wined and dined her at Boston Market. Nobody makes ESPN look cheap!
I wonder if ESPN will avoid this like the Erin Andrews sex tape and Ben Roethlisberger stories. will sports reporters be banned for asking about it?
It was mentioned on BBTN, Thursday eve. Phillips was said to have requested a leave of absence.