The Minneapolis Star-Tribune’s Jim Walsh reports the two gentleman responsible for the creation and sale of The Original Whizzinator — at one time, the dildo du jour of the Vikings Onterrio Smith and thespian titan Tom Sizemore — have entered guilty pleas on conspiracy charges.

Robert Catalano and George Wills, who owned online-based Puck Technology, entered their pleas Monday for conspiring to defraud the federal agency that administers federal workplace drug testing programs. The California men are scheduled to be sentenced in February and face up to eight years in prison, a $500,000 fine or both.

The device, which was available in five flesh colors and sold for $150, included a prosthetic penis attached to an undergarment resembling a jock strap. It connected to a pouch containing dehydrated urine. Water was added to the pouch and a heat pack could be attached to keep the urine close to body temperature.