In addition to recapping Sunday’s testy exchange between ESPN’s Karl Ravetch and Joe Morgan, the New York Daily News’ Bob Raissman describes the following bit of effervescent banter between John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman (above) :

Sunday, in the seventh inning on Radio Al Yankzeera (Yankees-Blue Jays), Ma and Pa Pinstripe – Suzyn Waldman and John Sterling – threw yet another Pity Party for Jason (the Giambalco) Giambi.

Sterling talked about how, early in the season, Giambi was being “murdered in the press and on talk shows.” Sterling, who may not always be aware of whether the ball went over the fence or hit the top of it but certainly knows where his bread is buttered, conveniently left out how Giambi was “murdered” by one George Steinbrener, who wanted the first baseman’s contract voided.

Waldman chimed in, lecturing on how everyone should now go gaga over the Giambalco’s transformation. “If you can’t admire what he’s done here this year then you’re not a human being,” Waldman said.

Consider me a chihuahua.