If James Dolan wanted to censor Marv Albert, what hope could there be for the candid Larry Brown? From the New York Daily News’ Bob Raissman.

Larry Brown’s ability to deal from the top of the deck has flipped out some of the overpaid stooges, disguised as Knicks players, who benefit directly from Dolan’s ability to jack up the rates on three million Cablevision subscribers. This is how the dreck Isiah Thomas has assembled gets paid.

Under Dolan’s rules, MSG voices have been reduced to surface-level, punch-pulling analysis. They cover a severe gash with a cotton swab.

Fortunately, at the end of one of these dismal evenings, Brown appears, offering straight talk. This must rankle Dolan. He can control every announcer on his payroll. And yet Brown, a highly paid employee of Cablevision, can put a verbal, public beatdown on his players and get away with it.

Now, Dolan can only sit and strum his guitar.

He can do absolutely nothing about Loose Lips Larry.

Of course, inside the World’s Most Dysfunctional Arena, strange things can happen.

That’s why it would be absolutely no surprise if Dolan ultimately orders the plug pulled on MSG’s coverage of Brown press conferences. How many more nights like Monday, after the Hawks vanquished the visiting Knicks 120-101, will Dolan want to see Brown trash a product suckers, er, fans, pay stupid prices to see.