(UPDATE : the YouTube clip — the one embedded that was previously embedded above, anyway — from last night’s CSN broadcast of Oakland at Texas was removed earlier today)

I don’t know what sort of monster would find something amusing about a 39-year-old dad falling to his death, but in fairness to the A’s broadcasting duo of CSN’s Fosse & Kuiper, they had absolutely no way of knowing the extent of Shannon Stone’s injuries after the Texas firefighter attempted to catch a foul ball thrown into the stands by Josh Hamilton. Those castigating either announcer might want to consider petitioning the Rangers for higher railings or protective netting. Neither seem like realistic notions, but neither does holding either commentator to some preposterous standard in which they’re considered insensitive for laughing over an incident no one would’ve found terrifying without knowing the tragic result.

(donations for the Stone family are being accepted here)