The Orlando Sentinel‘s Mark Schlueb reports that Suns C Shaquille O’Neal is hardly satisfied with helping kids lose weight, busting queer bashers or making some of the worst movies of all time. Rather, the Diesel has unveiled a real estate scheme designed to help families facing foreclosure (link taken from The Big Lead)

“I want to come in not to kick them out, but to work with them and save them so they can stay in their homes,” O’Neal told the Orlando Sentinel during an impromptu stop Tuesday at Orlando City Hall.

Attorney Mark NeJame, who arranged the visit along with longtime friend and Realtor Curtis Cooper, said the star center wants to buy the mortgages of homeowners who have slipped into foreclosure because of high interest rates. He would sell the homes back to those troubled buyers with more affordable terms, hoping to make a small profit.

“He’s become a businessman with a conscience,” NeJame said, adding that Shaq might also develop an affordable-housing project. “He’s looking to find out where he can make a significant investment in Orlando — specifically downtown Orlando — but also all over Central Florida.”