Over the weekend, your weary editor caught 3 of the Iowa Cubs’ 4 games against Round Rock (PCL), and aside from noting how Neil Cotts is the second guy with a recent World Series ring to visit Williamson County this spring (Trot Nixon being the first), it was interesting to hear the venernable Mike Capps describe Mike Murton and Felix Pie as victims of a “numbers game”. To wit, were it not for the vast sums of money being foisted upon Alfonso Soriano, the punchless Murton would be patrolling left field at Wrigley. Or, if you prefer, Pie’s career progress hit a roadblock in the form of former Cubs nemesis Jim Edmonds, aquired last week after his unceremonious departure from San Diego.

Ten days ago, I asked if Edmonds had “made his final dive”. And perhaps he has. But he’d not made his final, over-the-shoulder running catch of awhile running-up-a-bogus-man-made-hill. Edmonds robbed Hunter Pence of a certain RBI double in the last of the 4th, preserving a 3-2 lead for the Cubs over the Astros, and ensuring at least one more quality clip for the center fielder’s lengthy career highlight reel.

Boston’s Jon Lester has held the Royals hitless through 7 1/3 innings, and with the exception of a walk to Billy Butler, Lester’s perfect on the night. In the event Lester takes his bid for a no-no into the 9th, I’ll be coming over to your house and changing the channel. To “The Bachelorette”. I really need to watch something without so much tension.

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel’s Tom Haudricourt
has dismissed a report from a blog he’s never heard of that Brewers manager Ned Yost is a goner. That said, Haudricourt touts Dale Sveum as a potential replacement ahead of bench coach Ted Simmons. That’s a pretty radical solution to ensuring Sveum never again waves in a runner who’s gonna be thrown out by 20 feet, but presumably he beat that habit a few years ago. Either that or the Brewers haven’t had enough runners in scoring position this season.