While RB Ricky Williams’ NFL reputation remains mixed (to put it politely), the Heisman Trophy winner (above, left) is still revered around CSTB’s neck of the woods, Austin, TX. So imagine the dismay of the Austin Chronicle’s Alex Dunlap, who admittedly set out to compose “a fluff piece about one of my all-time favorite football players” and his charitable foundation, and instead learned that Williams’ fund-raising efforts are now tied to Access Consciousness, and that group’s controversial leader/faith healer, Gary Douglas.
Some call Access a movement, some call it a cult. In performing a simple Internet search, it is not hard to find scathing remarks regarding their methodologies, some from individuals claiming real-life experience within the culture. Their teachings are based in freedom from judgment in our conscious experiences. This idea manifests itself in many ways, including emphasis on sexual freedom.
Williams is now a devout accessory of the Access movement, and the mission of his Ricky Williams Foundation has transformed into an outlet for delivering the controversial teachings of Access Consciousness to the underprivileged children who attend their camps. This is currently taking place, in Austin, on AISD property.
Douglas is a significant investor and is bankrolling a large sum of costs by live streaming the event to devout accessories all over the globe for quite a pretty penny. (Replays of certain live streams can sell for upward of $1,200.) Williams was the camp’s instructor last week for Level I of the course. “Advanced” levels II and III will be delivered to these children by the person who accessories all over the world call their “fearless leader,” Gary Douglas himself.
Access Consciousness is NOT at all something you want to be anywhere near your kids. Check out http://www.accessschism.com for the skinny on Access Consciousness BARS and reviews.