Or, more accurately, Maura Johnston hails the excellent photoshop work (above) that accompanied the following press release from satellite radio’s newly merged-monopoly :

It will revolutionize how you listen to sports talk when Chris ‘Mad Dog’ Russo is unleashed beginning September 15!

Chris Russo™s loyal fan base will be amped up to hear him back on the air with The Mad Dog Sports Show on SIRIUS Ch. 123, weekdays from 2 pm – 7 pm ET. And newcomers to the Mad Dog experience will feed off of his high-energy passion and in-your-face approach to sports talk. Plus, Russo will soon surround himself with other like-minded sports personalities when he creates Mad Dog Radio, the ultimate destination to get breaking news and high-profile interviews

Earlier today on CNBC, it was claimed that SIRIUS 123 would be redubbed “Mad Dog Radio”, and what rational person wouldn’t want to pay a subscription service to hear Russo, 24-7?  In all seriousness, who are these “other like-minded sports personalities” and how can I make certain none of them have moved to my neighborhood or have set up shop near a school or house of worship?

Had Mike Francesca been the one to jump ship and sign with Sirius/XM, I suspect his new publicity photo would look something like this.