Sorry I missed this one from Sunday, but it seems Myrtle Beach Pelicans manager Joe Mikulik is an old hand at these sort of theatrics, as The Sun News’ Max McKinnon explains :

It was the third time Mikulik has garnered national attention for his tirades. He gained much attention for similar acts following ejections in 2006 and 2012 while managing the Asheville (N.C.) Tourists. In the 2006 ejection, Mikulik removed second base from the basepaths, throwing it toward the outfield, and later covered home plate with dirt before retreating to the dugout to grab a bottle of water, which he then poured out on home plate. In 2012, he took third base off the basepaths and handed it to a fan in the first row, tipped his cap and bowed before leaving the field.

Mikulik declined comment Monday.

“Obviously anytime Joe gets excited he gets fairly animated and in turn that draws eyeballs to the computer and television and so forth,” said GM Andy Milovich, who said he learned of the video’s viral spread Monday evening. “But we like all the exposure we can get. That’s Joe doing what Joe does and he’ll always stick up for his guys and try to win every game.”