Writes Ben Schwartz, “the Obama signs in the background and the boos reflect the 8 point lead Obama has in PA right now, but kissing the Rangers’ Scott Gomez because he’s from Alaska is going to be the deal closer for Dems.” Ben could be right, but in the unlikely event Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin stage a furious comeback, there might be some slim consolation (as we slide closer to armmegedeon) : future candidates for national office might be forced to make Philly’s Wing Bowl part of their campaign itiniery.
Regardless of the fact I have NO intent to pull the lever for either “Barry” Obama OR John McCain…if there is a God in heaven, DO NOT let this bim anywhere NEAR the White House!!!
Bringing a retard (and your daughter bringing a bastard child) into this world is NOT America’s idea of “family values”. Apparently NEITHER of them got the memo.