Something happened involving the Cubs’ Kerry Wood yesterday, and it wasn’t striking out the side in a pain-free outing.

The Mets have reassigned Ruben Sierra to their minor league camp — I was going to say something about how the people of New Orleans have suffered enough already, but I’ve used that joke too many times.

Hot Foot’s Stefan Singh observes the competition for the Mets’ RF job between Da Edga and Shawn Green — the latter homering yesterday against the Red Sox, the former having stolen his 3rd sack of the spring.

Lets suppose for the sake of fun that Lastings continues on the tear that he is on and finishes the spring with an average of .350, with 3 HRs, and 6 stolen bases, and that Green really has rediscovered his swing and finishes the Spring with a .300 average, 5 HRs, and 15 RBI. Then what would the Mets do? Would they send Milledge down to AAA, and risk mentally damaging the psyche of one of their best prospects? Would they platoon Milledge and Green, and take away ABs from their developing star? Would they consider bringing Milledge up and using him off the bench? Would they look to trade Green early in the season, using his good Spring to help in the marketing?

Brutal pools aside, I’m not a betting man, but I suspect the platoon is what happens. Outfield adventures and run-ins with Country Time aside, Milledge might not have much else to learn in the PCL, while a decent Grapefruit Campaign or not, they’re not gonna get much for Green.

ESPN’s Jerry Crasnick
describes the Rangers’ C.J. Wilson as “one eccentric individual.” That’s certainly one way of looking at it.

The Baltimore Sun’s Peter Schmuck heard Pete Rose proclaim to Keith Olberman that he’d bet on the Reds every night, and the columnist wonders “why doesn’t every major league manager bet on his team every night?”

I’m surprised that nobody thought of this a long time ago, because Pete isn’t exactly the shiniest pebble in the pond. The manager could even post on the lineup card how much action he has on the ballclub, so the players are clear on the importance of each individual game.

Pete summed it up nicely when he explained to ESPN radio host Dan Patrick that he bet on every game “because I love my team.”

It all makes sense now. I could never understand why somebody as revered and successful as Rose would put his financial security and his baseball legacy on the line to make a few hundred bucks per game. If this were just about greed, don’t you think he would have bet on a team with a more capable manager?

If you’re like me, you’ve always wondered what goes on during those conferences on the mound. Now, I think I have a pretty good idea what Rose and his pitcher were usually talking about:
Rose: How ya feeling?

Pitcher: My arm is killing me?

Rose: I need you to go two more innings.

Pitcher: Why?

Rose: Because I love you.