From Bill Madden in this morning’s New York Daily News

David Wells strolled out of the Red Sox dugout past the scrum of reporters around Epstein.

“Beating you up pretty good?” Wells shouted to Theo.

“No,” Theo yelled back, “I got ’em, man. This is when you’ve got to go out front. You’re next, ‘Boom!'”

Today, as a matter of fact. And who’s to say old rubber-armed Boomer won’t give Francona those innings he so dearly covets – which, in turn, would help to maybe start turning things back around in this eternal Yankee-Red Sox struggle?

As it turned out, David Wells did come up with a quality start at Fenway this afternoon. So did Cory Lidle, however, as the Yankees earned their first 5 game sweep at Fenway in something like a zillion years with a 2-1 win. Mariano Rivera watched as Kyle Farnsworth picked up the save with a perfect 9th.

Though Manny Ramirez had to leave in the 5th inning suffering from a cramp, he did manage to perform a stunning feat of bat levitation. Though a 6 1/2 game deficit in the AL East seems insurmountable at this late date, when your left-fielder posseses these kind of telepathic skills, anything is possible.