(above : Romo, flanked by solid citizen L.T. on the cover of “Blitz : The League”)

Houston Texans Defensive Rookie Of The Year Brian Cushing continues to express befuddlement how he could’ve tested positive for a female fertility drug, and former Raider/Bronco reprobate Bill Romanowski — a marvel of modern chemistry in his day — tells Sirius Radio, “do you think when he was getting injected in his ass that he didn’t know what was going on?”  From the NF Post.com’s Aaron Wilson :

“Here’s the deal: The only way you can get that substance that he took, hCG, in your body is to inject it, okay?” Romanowski said. “So let’s get that clear. So his sob story on TV was, I’m just going to say, was a total lie, okay? Let’s get real. Be honest about it, Brian.

“I’m sorry you got caught but be honest about it. What that substance is is a substance from pregnant women’s urine and what it does is when you have taken a cycle of steroids it turns your system back on from being shut down. It is very, very common in bodybuilding. That is a bodybuilding supplement, or a bodybuilding drug, where when these bodybuilders go on massive doses of steroids for months at a time, they will take that drug to turn their normal system back on and get it working again.”