Even with the Big Three taking the night off, the Celtics had no trouble erasing a half-time deficit in beating the Knicks, 99-93 tonight in what in all likelihood will be Isiah Thomas’ final game as head coach at MSG. Judging from his weekend XM chat with Jim Gray, Tom Brokaw probably gave his tickets away (link swiped from Newsday’s Neil Best).

Brokaw: œThe NBA, as you know I am a big fan of the NBA¦or have been. I am not very happy with it at the moment. I think that they have lost their way.

Gray: œWhy not¦What bothers you?

Brokaw: œWhat bothers me is that a lot of the deportment is inappropriate. You know, off the court, and I think that just four or five exceptions they are not being what they ought to be to the country.

Gray: œAnd you have such a large voice, I’m wondering if you have spoken to the commissioner or team officials.

Brokaw: œNo¦..He certainly knows how I feel about the Knicks¦and their ownership. As a season ticket holder for a long time, I won™t renew because I don™t like the attitude that that ownership has brought to the community.

Gray: œAnd you have been in the front row or close to it for a long time.

Brokaw: œI was in the front row for a while and then three rows back but not next year. I just think that they have failed their obligation to the city. I think that we have great sports franchises in New York. I think Fred Wilpon of the Mets and George Steinbrenner of the Yankees measure up and they bring to the community winning teams as best they can and make real statements about being supportive of the community. I don™t think that the Dolans have done that and I think the Garden has lost a lot of its luster as a result of their ownership and this is the first time that I have really said that out loud. But I feel very strongly about it and I think that it’s the least we can expect. They get these huge prices for people to sit in those seats, all kinds of tax advantages to owning the Garden and yet they operate as if they were a sovereign country and want to play only by their own rules. So I™m not very happy about that.
Let’s be very clear about this — James Dolan is not going to be bullied by a former television newsreader. Now if Matthew Modine declines to renew his ’08-’09 tickets, then and only then, perhaps J.D. will consider selling the club.

I’m not quite sure what Brokaw is alluding to regarding deportment. ‘Melo’s difficulty behind the wheel aside, does the NBA really need to apologize for the behavior of its workforce compared to say, Roger Goodell’s NFL?