The Yankees and Red Sox are in the middle of rain delay at the Nu Stadium, and at the risk of making light of serious personal issues, let’s hear it for a member of the extended Bomber family doing her part to take the heat off Alex Rodriguez.  From the Lincoln Journal-Star’s Lori Pilger :

The mother of Yankees pitcher Joba Chamberlain was arrested on suspicion of selling meth to an undercover officer in Lincoln.

Jacqueline Standley (above)  was arrested Saturday night at her apartment at 1641 Prospect St. She was charged Monday with delivery of an exceptionally hazardous drug.

In court records, police allege the 44-year-old delivered a 1 gram plastic bag of methamphetamine to an undercover officer the night of Feb. 11 at her apartment.

Police sent the suspected meth to the Nebraska State Crime Lab where it was tested and confirmed to be 0.6 grams of meth.

Last September, the Lincoln Journal Star wrote an in-depth story about Standley, visiting her apartment in south Lincoln that was like a shrine to her son the Yankees star.

She insisted that she had been involved in her son’s life  “despite what he and his father, Harlan Chamberlain, have told reporters ” and that her decision to let his father take the lead in raising him was because she struggled with depression and drugs. 

“No. I wasn’t the greatest mother”, she told the Journal Star then. “But in the bad choices I made, I in turn made good choices. And one was for them to be with their dad a lot.”

In all seriousness, I wouldn’t wish this kind of bad news on anyone. Even John Franco.  If ever a pitcher deserved a few days off — and with the weather this week he just might get it — it’s got to be Joba Chamberlain.