With Houston’s 4-2 loss to Milwaukee today, the Mets are 5 1/2 back in the Wild Card hunt —probably an impossible gap to close with 19 games remaining, but also a painful reminder that New York would still be very much in the race had they only managed to play .500 ball on the current road trip.
Going 19-0 the rest of the way seems entirely dependent on whether or not MLB will allow the Mets to continue wearing the FDNY (and other NYC agency) caps they sported through most of September 2001. I’m looking forward to the New Orleans Zephyers starting their 2006 PCL campaign with mesh FEMA hat, which may or may not be a fixture at Bayou souvenier stands in the months to come.
If the Yanks and A’s miss out on the playoffs, they can think about the Twins’ failure to show up against the Indians this evening. On the other hand, had the real Victor Martinez (above) been putting on a Cleveland uniform during the first half of the season (as opposed to the pod-person who claimed his body), one game wouldn’t make a big difference.
To call Victor Martinez’s performance in the first half “pod person”-esque is a disservice to pod people world wide. Hell, universally.
Oh, yeah – pigpile on V-Mart because of the hype and the contract, and forget that Booner and Casey at the Blake were both doing the Donald Sutherland O-face. Or 0-fer-face.