It’s been a tough weekend for Miami Hurricane alumni-turned-broadcasters. First Michael Irvin files a defamation suit over rape allegations that may or may not have cost him his Dallas radio gig, and now Warren Sapp finds himself benched from his analyst role hours before the Super Bowl. I know these things usually don’t come in 3’s, but if I’m Jimmy Johnson, I’m calling it an early night. From the Miami Herald’s Jose Pagliery :

Sapp partied from late Friday into early Saturday morning at the Shore Club hotel, at 1901 Collins Ave., where police believe he attacked his girlfriend shortly before dawn.

The woman — police did not identify her — called authorities at noon Saturday and reported the alleged attack. Officers arrived at the hotel and met with the former NFL star before taking him to police headquarters, said police spokesman Detective Juan Sanchez.

After detectives questioned Sapp and his girlfriend, police charged Sapp with misdemeanor domestic battery. He was taken to Miami-Dade County jail Saturday evening.

“In light of these circumstances, Warren Sapp will not appear on NFL Network while we review the matter,” the company said in an e-mail to The Miami Herald.