Rays OF Luke Scott already endeared himself to the people of Boston earlier this spring when he admitted to popping a boner over the dramatic fashion in which Tampa and his old team, Baltimore, conspired to knock the underachieving Red Sox out of the Wild Card last autumn.  In advance of today’s Red Sox home opener — the 100th such occasion in Fenway history, no less — – Scott tells MLB.com’s Evan Drelich he considers Boston’s antique ballpark something less than state-of-the-art.

“As a baseball player, going there to work, it’s a dump,” Scott said. “I mean, it’s old. It does have a great feel and nostalgia, but at the end of the day, I’d rather be at a good facility where I can get my work in. A place where I can go hit in the cage. Where I have space and it’s a little more comfortable to come to work.”

While we can add “Historical Landmark Hater” to a Scott resume that already includes Gun Nut and Birther, it’s worth noting he’s not the only observer to take issue with Fenway’s upkeep.  Granted, Peter Gammons’ comments about Fenway’s rat population and piles of garbage in the box seats predated current ownership, but he he didn’t generate nearly as much attention at the time as Scott’s managed today.