It finally might be time for the Mushnick children to install some sort of reverse V-chip on the family cable box, one that will prevent the New York Post’s Phil Mushnick from watching the NFL preview programs that seem to offend him so profoundly.

Two minutes into Fox’s one-hour pregame yesterday, host Curt Menefee noted that panelist Terry Bradshaw last week said he’d like to see the Lions finish 0-16.

“S–bag,” panelist Howie Long said of Bradshaw.

“I am a s–bag,” Bradshaw said.

That gave Long, Bradshaw and Fox 58 minutes to apologize, to express their regrets to a national audience for having ambushed it during Sunday daylight.

None came. Perhaps they felt they’d said nothing inappropriate, or, at worst, it was no big deal. Hey, if there were kids watching, that’s what the Fox robot is for!

Shortly after the Long-Bradshaw exchange, “weather babe” (expect steamy and hot) Jillian Reynolds began her segment with a heh-heh crack suggesting that Bradshaw’s the father of her infant child. “Heh-heh-heh,” Fox’s panelists responded.

I’m curious how many anguished telephone calls Fox affiliates across the nation received (fewer than one?), or for that matter, how many parents took the time to carefully explain to their kids just what Long and Bradshaw were talking about. It’s an awkward conversation, sure, but that’s why “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt” author Michael Rosen published “A Child’s Guide To Scumbags”.