Didn’t Clinton Portis beat him to this with the whole Southeast Jerome/Coach Janky Spanky/Dolemite Jenkins thing? Doesn’t the refusal on the part of the publisher to reveal anything but this broad-stroke description of Herschel Walker’s upcoming book seem a little too coy? How about constructing a post entirely out of rhetorical questions, that’s pretty excessive too, right? Chip Adams reports in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Walker’s upcoming opus? Kind of a stretch to put a question mark at the end of that one, no?

The book, “Breaking Free,” chronicles Walker’s life with the disorder, according to the book’s publicist at Simon & Schuster.

That Walker, who won the Heisman Trophy and a national championship while playing tailback at Georgia in the 1980s, has the disorder was surprising to his former Georgia teammates, as well as his former coach.

“I’m probably one of his closest friends and that’s news to me,” said Frank Ros, a Coca-Cola executive who played linebacker and was captain of Georgia’s 1980 national championship team. “I knew he was working on a book but I just thought it was about football. He does 100 things at once and always has projects going on but that blows me away.”

Said his former coach, Vince Dooley: “That’s all news to me. All I know is whatever personality he had when he had the football was the one I liked.”

Vince Dooley, be serious! The man’s trying to sell a book. Also, while I’m not sure I have the power to do this, the first person to suggest that this makes the Vikings’ legendarily lopsided trade for Walker into a multi-player deal is suspended from the comments section for 45 minutes.