In addition to losing all his loyal gay fans, Tim Hardaway has now lost an endorsement deal with BaldGuyz. From the Miami Herald:

Hardaway’s comments could hurt him financially. BaldGuyz, a New Jersey-based company that makes grooming products for bald men, dropped him as a spokesman Thursday, four months after making him the first former pro to represent the two-year-old company.

”BaldGuyz, like baldness, does not discriminate based on lifestyle choice, color, education, financial resources, religion, physical capabilities or in any other way,” Howard Brauner, CEO of BaldGuyz, said in a statement.

Meanwhile, if you’ve got nothing better going on with your Friday night, the Sophomores are routing the Rookies at halftime, and GC will be pleased to know that David Lee has 18 on 9-for-9 shooting. But he’s got nothing on Bow Wow.