(Tommy, shown in a quiet moment with one of the stars of “Pros Vs. Joes 2”)
Though it could be a missing title from the long lost Frogs box set, instead, it is a headline supplied by the steadfast Repoz, who adds “Unctous is the word, is the word, is the word, is the word.” From The Acorn :
Tommy Lasorda scored a big hit with A.C. Stelle Middle School students last week. Lasorda delivered a powerful message to students about the value of hard work, respect and fulfilling their dreams, one step at a time.
Lasorda made good on a promise to visit the school after meeting A.C. Stelle students Emilio and Brando Valli, twin sons of Frankie Valli, the iconic lead singer of the 1960s Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons band (“Sherry,” “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You,” “Our Day Will Come”). Valli was being honored at an Italian American Foundation event in Washington, D.C. when his sons struck up a friendship with Lasorda, also a guest.
To “make it in life” and reach your goals, Lasorda told students energy, determination and desire are necessary.
An acronym- COP- was offered to students by Lasorda. The letter C, he said, stands for “conversation.” He told students it was important to talk to parents, teachers, friends and acquaintances about their goals, fears and dreams. The letter O stands for “observation,” he said, an equally important quality to reaching one’s goals. The last letter, “P,” stands for “participation. Lasorda said participation is vital to reaching goals. To hammer the message home, Lasorda prompted the students to scream out the meaning of the acronym several times.
Teachers also deserve respect, Lasorda told students. “Teachers, in my estimate, are the unsung heroes of our community,” he said. “They are the ones who are really responsible for you. Education will open many doors to success. No one can take it from you.”
Lasorda also delivered an antidrug message to the students. “You have to say no to anybody who offers you illegal drugs,” he said. “Let those rats eat them themselves. All they will do is lead you down the path of destruction.”
“Mr. Lasorda my veins bleed dodger blue, too,” said sixthgrade student Alex Shapiro after the assembly.
“It was really cool,” said Adam Subit, 11. “I will always remember COP.”
omg i know brando and emilio valli becuase they just moved & now theyre in my school !!!! emilio is soooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeee
omg brando and emilio are the hott kids in my school
omg i no emilio and brando valli they go to my school now this is so cool
those kids—- are so fucking stupid.