Under ordinary circumstances, I’d consider the results of the former LDV Vans Trophy Final to be somewhere below NASCAR and uh, NASCAR Trucks on the CSTB Sporting Richter Scale. Thankfully, Lee Trundle has spiced things up a bit. From The Times’ Tony Rees.

Swansea City’s triumph at the Millennium Stadium was in grave danger of being ruined last night by the heavy FA fine that will probably be levied on Lee Trundle, their maverick striker, for bringing the game into disrepute.

Trundle, the Liverpudlian forward who was named man of the match, clinched silverware for his CocaCola League One promotion hopefuls after scoring a fine fourth-minute goal and making the late winning strike for Adebayo Akinfenwa.

But as champagne flowed after a triumph that netted Swansea about £500,000, Trundle waved a Welsh flag with œFuck off Cardiff written on it and donned a T-shirt that depicted a person urinating on the jersey of his club™s local rivals.

The image, captured on television, will anger FA members who are determined to clean up the game™s image.

It’s a rare day when Sam Hamman’s opponents set foot in Cardiff and they’re the side accused of putting the game in disrepute.