On the eve of Wrestlemania 26, a throng of nearly 5000 paid serious loot to attend the WWE’s annual Hall Of Fame induction ceremonies, an event televised by the USA Network and often designed to honor those who’ve either buried the hatchet with Vince McMahon or remained in his good graces. Amongst the Class of 2010 — including the late Stu Hart, Antonio Inoki, Wendy Richter and Ted DiBiase — was Brewers announcer Bob Uecker, named to the Hall’s “celebrity” wing. As quoted by Pro Wrestling Torch’s James Caldwell :
I remember going to Los Angeles to do the promotion stuff (for Wrestlemania III). It was Hulk Hogan, (Andre) the Giant, (Bobby) the Brain (Heenan), Jake ˜The Snake™ Roberts, who coincidentally said, ˜Uke, why don™t you take a picture with Damian?™ I said, ˜Who™s Damian.™ He said, ˜He™s in the bag.™ I said, ˜So am I. Give me a couple more beers.™ So he took the snake out and I put him around me. He said, ˜Don™t worry. He™s big and he’s strong.™ He got his tail around my leg hee and I™m holding him and I™m looking at Jake and he™s got this huge scar right here (on his chest). I said, ˜What is that?™ He said, ˜That™s where Damian bit me.™ I said, ˜Oh, what a great time that must be. I hope he bites me, too.™
I remember the one thing with Jake was Donald Trump™s wife, Ivana. He put that snake down at her feet and she left Wrestlemania so fast, she just left Donald there and she ain’t seen him since.