Though ESPN’s Chris Mortensen reports that talks have broken down between the Chiefs and Jets, the New York Post’s Mike Vaccaro already has Herm Edwards’ bags packed.

The Jets don’t even get to fire the likes of Al Groh and Herman Edwards anymore. They’re the ones who get fired. They’re the ones who get dumped.

Well, Edwards is soon to be Kansas City’s problem. He will galvanize the Chiefs’ locker room, of that there is little doubt. He will give the radio guys some wonderful sound bytes, and every now and again he’ll show up on the local 6 o’clock news giving one of his revivalist homilies, the kind that usually came right on the heels of someone daring to criticize him or his team a little too fervently.

He will also undoubtedly convert what is now one of the NFL’s most dazzling offenses into a predictable, drab, grind-it-out eyesore. Chiefs fans used to seeing lots of points and lots of balls in the air had better get ready for a lot of close games, a lot of 13-10 games late in the fourth quarter. And then, when the time comes for the Chiefs to figure out how to win those games, how to manage the clock, how to out-coach the other guy – well, just wait for that. That ought to be fun.

Look, as much as Jets fans may have wanted Edwards fired after this 4-12 calamity, he didn’t deserve that. But you know what? He sure as hell doesn’t deserve an extension, either, and has no right to feel the slightest bit slighted that one hasn’t been proffered.