Rose Bowl : Texas 41, USC 38

(the most ridiculous all-around talent of the moment, seconds before being mauled to death by a man in a furry suit)

Deja Vu all over again.

I can’t quarrel with Pete Carroll’s decision to go for it on 4th and 2 with 2:09 left — ‘SC’s offensive line had done a terrific job for LenDale White most of the evening, and there’s no way the Trojans wanted to give the ball back to Vince Young (31/40, 269 yards passing, 199 yards and 3 TD’s rushing). Had Texas needed to move the ball another 30 yards on that final drive, USC might still have relinquished the title.

I can’t remember who grabbed Quan Crosby’s facemask, but he shouldn’t feel too bad. At least he’s not Gary Cismesia.

(UPDATE : I’ve been told by a reliable source that not only has Deadspin run a nearly identical photograph, but the caption is pretty close, too. In the spirit of misplaced civic pride, I’ll overlook this unfortunate coincidence. Bruce Springsteen survived making the covers of Time, Newsweek and Smegma Journal the same week, and chances are Vince Young will live this one down, too.)