Veteran QB’s rarely come as magnanimous as Tennessee’s Kerry Collins. After a 59-0 loss to New England and having compiled a historic minus-7 yards passing for the afternoon, Collins refused to take personal responsibility for the staggering defeat when quizzed afterward, with quotes supplied by the Tennessean’s Jim Wyatt and David Climer :

œI still feel like I am the quarterback of this team and this is my team,” Colins said. “I give us a chance to win when I go out there.™™

œI know this: We are all responsible for this loss and for the past couple of losses,™™ Collins continued. œI know there are things we can all do better.™™

It is an indication of how bad a blowout this was that the Titans had to answer questions after the game about whether the Patriots ran up the score on them.

œI didn™t think they did, defensive tackle Tony Brown said. œThey just kept running their plays and it just so happens that they were working. It™s up to us as a defense to stop them and we just couldn™t get them stopped when we needed to.

Jeff Fisher noted that the Patriots stuck with their offensive scheme.

œThat was their plan going in. Why are they going to change their plan? he said.