(after 6 or 7 venti frappuccinos, who can really remember what was said?)

I’d have liked Wade Phillips so much better if he went on television telling Peter King “get my name out of your mouth.” Then again, we’re only in Week 6, so perhaps it can still happen. Y’see, Peter King claims the Cowboys coach called New England’s championships “tainted”. But if you believe Phillips, King is…how can I say this in an East Coast way? Totally full of shit? From the Dallas Morning News’ Tim MacMahon :

Wade Phillips reckons that Peter King must not understand Texan. Phillips can’t figure any other way that King could interpret their conversation the way he did.

“To quote me as saying ‘black mark’?” Phillips said. “I mean, that’s an eastern term. That’s a Connecticut term. I mean, I might use ‘smudge’ or something like that from Texas.”

In all seriousness, Phillips is rather perturbed that King used his name to bash cheatin’ Bill Belichick. Phillips said King must have misconstrued his comments.

“The only thing he had right in there was that I had a conversation with him,” Phillips said.