[Warrior Pride — look out Anchorage!]
CSTB’s Alaskan high school hockey desk is up and running. A recent poll on the Warriors site asks,”Do you look at the competitions’ websites?” 56% of you said “yes.” My question: Whose side are you on?
For the 44% of you that are loyal warriors fans, this post is for you. First, the Booster Club is meeting up like now and you really need to get out there. The news: forget the bake sale, Tracy, the team Gun Show Coordinator, is on the job. If there could be anything more exciting than Warriors’ FWD Levi Johnson’s future mom-in-law Sarah Palin running for VP, she is also going to be dropping the puck at a Philadelphia Flyers game (do they have ice that far south “ kidding!). A Washington insider (ie, a fag) from the Washington Capitals said, œI am surprised that the candidate would go on the ice in Philly ” Philly fans threw snowballs at Santa Claus and booed Beyonce because she was wearing a Michael Jordan dress. This is dangerous territory. Uh, you’ve got a warrior on the ice, Philly, you watch out.
Washington jerks are just out to tear Levi’s mom-in-law down. Good luck! She’s also going to be the subject of a big Hollywood movie called Nailin Palin, about how this maverick mom is out there nailin’ liberals and non-mavericks. Apparently, the movie will feature scenes of Gov. Palin showing foreign policy experience by taking on a “gang” of Russians, scenes of her giving it to Washington, DC “insiders,” and finally, a showdown with Hillary Clinton and Condi Rice, two Washington liberals, which apparently proves they are totally gay. It’s being produced by Larry Flynt, a real maverick himself, whose “court room battles for the first amendment” (we got that from a movie page) are in the The People V. Larry Flynt. The only inaccurate part of the movie this department has read about is where it says, “and in a flashback, young Paylin™s creationist college professor will explain a ‘big bang’ theory even she can™t deny!‘” Uh, hey Hollywood, read a newspaper, she didn’t need to go to college to be a creationist. She went to five colleges and only needed one Bible!
having been to Wasilla but never to a Flyers game, I am very much looking forward to this event. And I think NHL Centre Ice is free this weekend!
Ben that shit was funny….Ray Romano level funny. You should be writing jokes for Leno (not a compliment numbnuts).
Funny, but when I hear the word “maverick”, the TV show from the ’50s comes to mind. (They run it on Encore Westerns now…not like any of you fuckfaces give a shit.)
Is Alaska part of America, seriously??