The above, of course, refers to the totally overmatched and out of his depth editor of a fledgling sports site, who thinks there is something funny about calling Gabe Kaplan gay.
I’m sorry, but neither the ‘stache nor charter membership in a group known as The Sweathogs necessarily makes someone homosexual.
In all seriousness, ladies and gentlemen, publicly speculating about a ballplayer’s sexuality is only appropriate if he’s giving press conferences attesting to his love of women.
Or if he’s got a really huge cock.
In any event, persons who actually care about baseball (as opposed to those auditioning for VH1’s “I Love 2005”) have spent less time wondering about Gabe Kapler’s cock (OK, maybe not that much less time) and put a little more thought into whether his latest injury could in any way be related to funny creams and gels. And also pondering for a moment or two if the Red Sox goofed in sending Jay Payton to Oakland.
Though we all feel bad for Mike Hampton this morning, at least they have great public schools in Atlanta.
And also pondering for a moment or two if the Red Sox goofed in sending Jay Payton to Oakland.
i know i’m in the minority in this but i still think the bosox did the right thing with payton. this is a guy who has admitted staging arguments with the manager in the dugout on camera to force the front office to trade him. to me that’s not the kind of team player you need. sure it would’ve been nice to have him considering the injuries to the red sox outfielders but for the most part those came after he left. at the time it was absolutely the right thing to do.
who will take his place? does kaplar going down (no pun intended) mean the return of k. millar to right field? does anyone else hear the benny hill theme song when fly balls are hit to millar in the outfield?
And also pondering for a moment or two if the Red Sox goofed in sending Jay Payton to Oakland.
Whatever! Jay Payton is playing out of his ass (or maybe Gabe’s ass) for Oakland – if he was doing for Boston what he’s done for the A’s, he would’ve played himself into the starting lineup (prob. as DH, w/ Big Papi Benny Hilling his way around 1B, and Millah as He Who Wants Out). As is, having an overrated slaphead brought in specifically as a 4th OF demanding PT that his performance (either season-to-date, or career-to-date) does not justify = please let the door hit yr ass on the way out, you clueless dipstick.
If you claim to have predictd JP’s post-trade offensive outburst, then you are either a stupid lying liar, or you are an ESPN Radio employee, meaning you’re just plain ol’ stupid.
I don’t understand. Are you saying you don’t think Arnold Horshack is gay?
I’m saying it’s Vinnie B w/ the light loafers.
the actor who played Horshack (i forget his name, tho) is gay, actually.
do you mean to tell me that ron pallilo is……..merely happy?
So you’re saying Horshack is gay. I guess this means CSTB will make Defamer’s “Guide To The Web”.
Actually, the public schools where Mike Hampton lives are quite good.
Gabe Kapler may be on the juice, but his injury was caused by f***ing astroturf. a strange fetish maybe, but who am i to judge?
well, yeah, of course they are. He wouldn’t be pitching there, otherwise.
every player in MLB who has suffered a serious or minor injury within the past year is absolutely-for-sure-100%-on-steroids. Especially the guys who look like they could beat me up (which is most of them).
it wasn’t really clear whether horshack, the character, was gay, but yeah, the dude who played him, yadda, yadda.
although i’m glad to report that you can have him speak at your next public function:
let me get this right. There’s an actor. From a TV show. Who is gay.
That’s it, we’ve got a real scoop here. Top that, Deadspin!
next thing you know, some ballplayer will turn out to be gay too!
next thing you know, some ballplayer will turn out to be gay too!
you’ll have a story when some ballplayer gets gay with horshack.
The question for the inevitable gay ballplayer; catcher or pitcher?
I don’t get it.
You forgot “Tight end or wide receiver.”
baboom ching!