That Angels P Jered Weaver has a more tolerant attitude about sharing a workspace with gay ballplayers than say, Torii Hunter, is not in and of itself mindblowing. That this revelation came out during a Robert Fick / Dmitri Young-hosted program on UStream, however, is kind of awesome. In the weeks and months ahead, persons in the sporting sphere with something big to get off their chests can run down a checklist…Oprah…Katie Couric…Dr. Phil….DA MEATHOOK. From the Orange County Register’s Jeff Fletcher :

While Fick said at his first didn’t want to have a gay teammate — “It would be uncomfortable for me” — both Weaver brothers were supportive.

Said Jered: “If you’re hitting .300 with 40 and 140, bring ‘em on, you know? I think it would just be a shock at first, but it’s still your teammate in the long run. They worked just as hard as us to get up to where we’re at.”