Despite my heartfelt plea yesterday, the tabloid jackals just won’t cut Captain Red Ass any slack. Chin up, Paul. It could be worse. You could be Scott Van Pelt (note to everyone at Bristol U : the Human Whoopie Cushion’s wedding photos are totally fair game, and yes, marrying a horse is illegal in New York State).

Metal Mike’s homecoming
and a terrific night for David Wright and Carlos Beltran are somewhat overshadowed this morning by the news that Darryl Strawberry will not participate in the celebrations to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Mets’ last World Series win.

No Straw, No HoJo, no Davey. I’d hazard a guess that Wally Backman’s invite might’ve gotten lost in the mail. If nothing else, at least we know for certain that Sid Fernandez will be somewhere in the 5 Boroughs that weekend.

Dan from Lone Star Mets, take it from me and the Bodog Board Of Directors — there’s nothing funny about irresponsible gambling.