As if jury duty wasn’t bad enough, now jurors run the risk of being forced to listen to Joe Morgan. From the LA Times’ Bill Shaikin and his ongoing coverage of The People Vs. Arte Moreno.

It was a special night for the Angels. Steve Finley hit the game-winning home run, and the Angels beat the rival Oakland Athletics in April, before a sellout crowd at Angel Stadium and a national television audience.

“They’re the Los Angeles Angels,” Jon Miller said on ESPN.

“Of Anaheim,” added his broadcast partner, Joe Morgan.

Miller corrected himself, sounding as if he stifled a chuckle.

“They’re the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim,” Miller said.

On Wednesday in the trial between the Angels and the city of Anaheim, the team played a video clip that included Miller and Morgan’s dialogue, attempting to show that the Anaheim Angels might be no longer but that Anaheim itself has not vanished in media coverage.

Anaheim attorney Andy Guilford, outraged that the Angels would defend their name change with this video, challenged team spokesman Tim Mead about whether the city received proper prominence in the dialogue.

“It was a joke, wasn’t it?” Guilford asked.

Angel attorney Richard Decker objected. Judge Peter Polos agreed.

“The jury can decide whether it’s a joke or not,” Polos said.