I’ll start with mine –  SORRY! More than two years ago, CSTB briefly mentioned the matter of San Antonio Express-News bowling columnist Harry Page being relieved of his duties after being charged with plagiarism by the newspaper’s editors. Page and his readers have long countered that rather than accept a buyout, the veteran sportswriter was sacked via the paper’s flimsy excuse that his quoting from other sources (and crediting them as such) on his SA E-N blog constituted theft.

As it turns out, Page has been vindicated, as the following item from the San Antonio Informer explains.

In November 2007, the Express-News terminated Page after editors accused him of lifting material for his bowling blog from two Web sites, www.pbatour.com and www.bowl.com, without attributions. The works appeared on the paper’s site, but was later removed. Page insisted he reposted material with credit as outlined in his job description and did not plagiarize.

Page, represented by attorney Darryl K. Carter of the Houston-based Glickman, Carter & Bachynsky, L.L.P., law firm, sued the newspaper believing that the Express-News invented the false plagiarism charges after he refused to participate in a “voluntary separation program” in October 2007.

The settlement came in District Court of Bexar County Texas, 224th Judicial District, case no. 2008-CI-07082, after the Hearst Corp. was denied a summary judgment to get the suit dismissed in December 2009.

Details of settlement weren’t disclosed.