You’d think a Black Friday between 6 and 8am would be a safe enough haven for New England’s media watch-hound to make his WRKO debut, but as David Scott explains, “in an incredibly predictable and incredibly petty move,” said invitation was rescinded. From the Boston Herald’s Jessica Heslam :

Senator Bob Hedlund, who was filling in for WRKO morning-drive host Tom Finneran, had asked Scott to come on the show to talk sports from 8-10 a.m. Friday morn. Scott – who was appearing for free – posted the upcoming radio spot on his blog Tuesday night.

After Entercom got wind of his appearance, Scott writes, an apologetic Hedlund called him to cancel. Hedlund didn™t offer him much of an explanation, but asked him to come on his weekly radio show on WATD-FM (95.9) Dec. 3.

œMy best guess is that the Entercom Suits didn™t want to have someone who has been critical of WEEI – and its lowest-common-denominator sports talk – on its airwaves at a sister-station in the same market, Scott told me in an e-mail.

œAdmittedly, I have been critical of the personalities and management at WEEI, something that very few in this town are willing to do because of ˜EEI™s pervasiveness, he wrote. œHonestly, I think their decision to ban me says a lot about the way they do business.