What a life. After signing his four-year, $8 million deal with Disney-owned ESPN, Washington Post columnist Michael Wilbon valiantly offered to resign from the paper. But according to a story at Washingtonian.com, Wilbon will remain with the paper, but his columns will be fewer, and we’ll see more of him on washingtonpost.com.
Says Wilbon: œI might write columns for the Web. I might have a blog. I might do something with Tony (Kornheiser) on the Web. I™ll do whatever (Post chairman) Don Graham and (executive editor) Len Downie want me to do. ESPN did not create the Wilbon-and-Kornheiser brand. The Post did.
Yeah, see? The Post made him sign that $8 million deal with the devil. It’s a shame Wilbon allowed himself to be pushed into a life of TV face time and riches when a dying newspaper industry was there for the taking. Look, don’t feel bad for him. He’ll survive.
œI™m still a sportswriter on TV. That™s my calling.
Now there’s an oxymoron if I ever saw one.
Michael Wilbon and T. Kornheiser are both morons. If Wilbon wrote more for the paper. No one would have to see his stupid ass. Get rid of these critics who never even played sports, unless you consider the hard labor of playing golf or figure skating. WILBON AND KORNHEISER BOTH SUCK