(l-r : Corpsey, Frumps)

Well, that was fast. We’re not even two days into LeBron James’ long-awaited free agency, and the team that all but tanked their last two seasons in order to position themselves for this very moment has little or no chance. So claims Yahoo Sports’ Adrian Wojnarowski, who portrays Chicago’s aggressive pursuit of James and Dwyane Wade as a far better bet than the efforts of the New York Knicks.

Sources say one team that all but eliminated itself with James in the presentation process was the New York Knicks. James met with the organization on Friday and his inner-circle has described New York™s presentation as lacking preparedness and organization. James™ camp also found it to be redundant to much of the New Jersey Nets™ far sharper, edgier presentation on James™ earning power.

James hasn™t been convinced that he can overcome the $30 million difference between possible Cleveland and New York offers through endorsements and other streams of revenue. However, Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov™s vision of bulking up James™ international portfolio did resonate with him, and the Nets vision of using Brooklyn and the owner™s international muscle does appeal to him.

Sources say that James is dubious his mere presence on the Knicks will be worth that much more to him in endorsements. The appearance of Knicks GM Donnie Walsh in a wheelchair due to a neck problem and the frumpy, unimpressive Jim Dolan didn™t provide James with an image of vibrancy.

In Dolan and Walsh’s defense, how prepared could they have been having only had, what, two years to get ready for their pitch? That Prokhorov’s Nets are even in the conversation gives that franchise something approaching semi-credibility ; LeBron would sooner play in Newark, NJ, for an owner with all of 5 minutes experience in the Association than seriously consider the Knicks’ proposition? On second thought, maybe NY should’ve played their Phillip Seymour Hoffman video. Seems like there was little left to lose.