The eagle-eyed Maura Johnston alerts us to the existence of David Wright’s “A Glimpse Into Life With The Mets”, yet another MLBlogs product that may or may not be ghostwritten. Since I don’t believe in ghosts, I’ll cling to the notion that the exceedingly polite (and very popular with men and women) Mr. Wright has a heartfelt desire to share his innermost thoughts with us. Stuff like “My biggest expectation going into this season is to win a lot more games.”

For those hoping for something juicier (eg. that’s Fran Healy inside the Mr. Met suit, Willie prefers Quizno’s, Jeff Wilpon’s wife is actually a dude), I’m afraid you’re shit out of luck. But give him time — much the way it took Wright a little while to master big league pitching, he might well get the hang of this blogging business before long.

Wright has a sacrifice fly RBI (after being robbed of extra bases by Eric Reed) in tonight’s game against Florida, with the Mets leading 2-0 after 3 innings. Moments earlier, an RBI single by Carlos Beltran off Jason Vargas plated Jose Reyes. Beltran received warm applause before and after the at bat, with Gary Cohen claiming that Mets fans had been making an extra effort as of late to show their appreciation for the embattled center fielder. And Cohen’s half-correct — the mob has shown their appreciation for Beltran each time he drives in a run, and proceeds to tear him to shreds in all other instances.

Cohen claims there are message boards abuzz with talk of Beltran’s treatment at Shea ; Keith Hernandez, unwilling to reveal his browsing habits, described the booing of Beltran as “sadistic”. Tough talk from a man who has done his share to popularize the Just For Men line of hair care products.