Despite prior assurances that journalists covering the Summer Olympics would have unfettered internet access, CNET reports there’s a number of sites being blocked, including Amnesty International and urls that include “Tibet”. But it’s not just Current 93 loving sports scribes who are SOOL, writes the Rocky Mountain News’ Daniel Oshinsky, as it seems Chinese authorities frown on public criticism of a certain “Moneyball”-bashing former second baseman.

I am not sure why this is the case.  Maybe the Chinese government wants to hide the link between high BABIP and overinflated batting averages.  Maybe they’re against those who lurk in their mother’s basement, thumbing through the dusty box scores in old editions of Sporting News.  Maybe they just like Murray Chass’ new website.

Whatever the reason, here’s an open call for the Chinese government to unblock Fire Joe Morgan.  The good people of China deserve to know what inane things the American baseball media are saying.