Posting & Toasting provided the above snapshot of Stephon Marbury’s latest tattoo, the logo of his econo-sneaker firm.  Always thinking of cost-efficiency, full credit to Marbury for launching a marketing campaign even cheaper than a succession of YouTube videos.

Marbury was on hand yesterday for Danillo Gallinari’s Vegas Summer League debut, and the New York Post’s Marc Berman reports the 19 year old Italian was roundly abused by comeback hopeful Tractor Traylor and the referees, not necessarily in that order.

Citing alleged Miami interest in Ron Artest, the Sacramento Bee’s Sam Amick quotes Kings co-owner Joe Maloof as asking Artest to “take a deep breath and quit flying off the handle with comments that don’t make sense.” Maloof’s advice might well be directed at some of the Bee readers, whose comments following Amick’s piece raise the following quandary :  if Buzz Bissinger can hold the editor of Deadspin directly responsible for dopey comments, where’s the outcry over the unmoderated hate-fest occurring under the auspices of the MSM?