(Sweet Lou, reading a review of “The Human Centipede” written by someone who has never directed a movie or been a centipede)

….but you can’t so easily remove his criticism from the head of Lou Piniella.   Angered by the Tyler Colvin-related barbs of former Cubs/current White Sox broadcaster Stone, Piniella unloaded to the local press corps prior to this afternoon’s crosstown matinee on the North Side, with the following remarks lifted from the Sun Times’ Paul Sullivan :

“We’ve got a lot of people here that haven’t managed and won any games in the big leagues, but they know everything. You know? They really do.

“I think they should try to put the uniform on and try this job and see how they like it when they get criticized unjustly. That’s all I’ve got to say about that issue. But you get tired of it. I’m trying to do the best job I possibly can and the only people I need to listen to are the people in my organization, that’s it.

“But I get tired of being nitpicked and tired of being criticized unjustly. Why don’t they talk to me first before they do it, OK, and get my viewpoints and my feelings and then make a determination? The same way that I get called ridiculous, they’re ridiculous in the same way they report things, too.”

“And another thing I’m going to say: I won over 1,800 games as a manager and I’m not a damn dummy, that I can tell you. There are only 13 other (managers) that have won more games than me. I guess I think I know what the hell I’m doing.”

“And Steve Stone? He’s got enough problems doing what he does with the White Sox. What job has he had in baseball besides talking on television or radio? What has he done?”

Pestered for a response by Sullivan colleague Paul Van Dyck, Stone countered with “I haven’t seen one guy that gets better on the bench” (re : Colvin), and more to the point, “when you need to have a front-office job to make an observance about baseball, there’s going to be nobody working in baseball…that might be one of the dumber things he’s said.”