Things seem a little slow on the Michael Barrymore front, so this item from the Mirror will have to suffice.

Transvestite Pete Burns could face jail over his “gorilla-skin” coat, a Government minister warned yesterday.

The fun-loving Dead Or Alive star (above) has outraged Jodie Marsh by claiming his fur coat is made from the endangered animals.

Now the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has stepped in to say Burns may face “serious consequences” if the claim turns out to be true.

When Burns said he was offended by Marsh’s autobiography, in which she spilled details about her ex-boyfriends, the glamour girl retaliated.

Jodie said: “Well, I think it’s low that you wear a monkey coat. “It offends me every time I see it on your back.”

Burns hit back: “That thrills me. I get off on the fact my coat offends someone who put her boyfriend’s dirty underwear in a book.”

He added: “I wish I had a sable coat and a chinchilla dressing gown and every other fur I could lay my hands on.”

Trading in endangered species carries a penalty of up to five years in prison and an unlimited fine.